White Supremacy & Hate Goups & Trump & Charlottesville VA, Deadly White Nationalist Rally. (https://wp.me/p2jyCr-V3

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White Supremacy & Hate Goups & Trump & Charlottesville, VA, deadly white nationalist rally.




FEBRUARY 23, 2018
Dear Gaston,

Earlier this week, we released a report that explores how the tech industry took action against alt-right extremists in response to Charlottesville.

A number of prominent tech companies rushed to enforce longstanding “acceptable use” policies. As we wrote, it took “blood in the streets for tech companies to take action.”

, more than six months later, we’ve found that some tech companies are still providing services to hate groups. From payment-processing to domain-hosting to data-mining, some of the biggest companies keep hate group websites up and running.

Here are some of our findings:

  • PayPal continues to serve as a payment platform for the most hate groups. This is based on our analysis of websites, though hate groups that don’t have websites may also be using PayPal or other payment processors for offline fundraising.
  • Google, Facebook and Twitter continue to provide ad tech services — or data services such as advertising, tracking, loading or collecting — to many hate groups.
  • Twenty-three hate group websites are protected by CloudFlare.

Read the full report to view the chart and learn about the report’s methodology, and please share this resource with your network on Facebook and Twitter.


Your friends at the SPLC


FEBRUARY 24, 2018
Weekend Read // Issue 68

In the last year we’ve seen the growth of the so-called “alt-right,” a rise in neo-Nazi groups and, in response, a spike in black nationalist groups.

The common thread?

White supremacy.

This weekend we’re bringing you an editorial by our Intelligence Project Director Heidi Beirich from our latest Intelligence Report, reminding us that if we want to reverse a trend that saw hate groups rise for the third year in a row, we must dismantle the white supremacy that’s embedded so deeply in American society.

From Heidi:

There were two dynamics that determined the fate of America’s radical right in 2017: the election of President

Extremists rode a wave of euphoria from Trump’s January inauguration until August 11, finally having found an uncucked politician who reflected the world they wanted to see: a world where racism was sanctioned by the highest office, immigrants given the boot and Muslims banned. Riding high, a wide range of extremists who usually don’t get along — from heavily armed militias, to polo-attired white nationalists, to Klansmen, to neo-Nazis — all joined forces in mid-August in Charlottesville.

They were there to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, a potent symbol of their beloved white supremacy. It was the largest hate rally in a decade and, for the extremists who gathered, a moment of triumph as America, under Trump, seemed to be moving their way.

But as has long been the case, emboldened white supremacy ended in death and disaster. An anti-racist protester, Heather Heyer, was killed in a car attack by a young white supremacist riled up by the protests. Two law enforcement officers also died, and there were many injured. Most Americans were horrified by what they saw, not just by the violence, but also by scenes of torch-wielding young men chanting “Jews will not replace us,” an image that conjured Nazi Germany.

In the aftermath of the violence, Trump blamed “both sides,” blithely equivocating between racists and non-racists. For those who hadn’t been paying attention to the rising number of hate groups, a president who stoked their growth, and a plague of hate crimes in Trump’s name, complacency was no longer an option.

Trump may be unwilling or incapable of understanding what he has unleashed, but not so for the rest of us. Public figures ranging from actors to sports figures to corporate leaders condemned what happened in Charlottesville and the hateful ideas driving the protests. The United Nations, the Catholic Church, and world leaders added their voices, as did regular citizens.

Our national leaders took action. A unanimous, joint Congressional resolution denounced what happened at Charlottesville and called white supremacy and neo-Nazism “hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values that define the people of the United States.” It further called on Trump to “speak out” against hate groups and use “all resources available” to battle their growing prevalence and hate crimes. Trump signed the resolution, sheepishly and in private.

Congress did more than craft and pass the resolution. Members of both parties were forceful in rejecting Trump’s equivocation and most denounced his statements, as well as hate groups. The months following Charlottesville saw renewed attention to strengthening hate crimes legislation, a draft domestic terrorism bill out of the Senate and hearings about the threat from racial extremists. Congress can now use its oversight abilities under the joint resolution to press Trump to act if it so chooses.

The Charlottesville events had a remarkable effect on major tech companies. For years, civil rights organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center had been pointing out the devastating amount of hate proliferating on online platforms and noting its ability, as was the case with Charleston shooter Dylann Roof, to radicalize young men into white supremacy and violence. With Charlottesville, the tech world finally accepted their responsibility and began to act.

Within days, white supremacist PayPal accounts were ripped down, widely read hate sites like the Daily Stormer and Stormfront disappeared from the web for a time, and companies like Facebook became more aggressive about removing hate content. The sewer that the big platforms — Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others — had become was being flushed out. More work remains to be done on this front, but at least there is no longer a debate over whether it is necessary.

It would be nice to think the Trump administration plans to take this issue just as seriously, but that would be naïve. Trump continues to argue he was right about Charlottesville, and his administration is undoing civil rights protections on multiple fronts.

As has always been the case in battles for civil rights, human rights and equality, it’s up to us to make change. White supremacy as a way of thinking has been a disgraceful scourge, used to justify immeasurable catastrophes up to the present day. It is the ideology that underpins horrors such as slavery, genocide, colonialism, segregation, apartheid, Jim Crow, racist vigilante justice and much more. It is one of the West’s foremost sins.

America was birthed with white supremacy at its core, a concept written into our Constitution. It has taken decades and decades of hard work by courageous people, as in the abolitionist and civil rights movements, to reduce the numbers of people, like the Nazis at Charlottesville, who still view white supremacy as legitimate. In late August, a Washington Post/ABC News poll found that a shocking 9 percent of Americans still found it acceptable to hold neo-Nazi or white supremacist views. We can applaud the 90 percent who don’t, but that 9 percent represents a daunting 22 million Americans. And millions more are likely OK with other forms of bigotry, most of it rooted in the idea that white people are and should be superior.

But perhaps there is hope. For most of the world, chattel slavery — an obvious abomination that shamefully took far too long to end — is today a nonstarter. Its defenders are exceedingly rare, nowhere near the mainstream, and its practitioners very few. They are universally condemned.

White supremacy as a concept needs to die the same death. The Charlottesville protests were a stark reminder of the hearts and minds that still need changing. But if we work hard enough, white supremacy, just like slavery, can be chucked permanently in the dustbin of history — the only place it belongs.

The Editors

P.S. Here are some other pieces that we think are valuable this week:

White supremacist propaganda on campus increased by 258% last year. This is how experts plan to fight back. by Amy Crawford for 500 Pens

Inside Atomwaffen as it celebrates a member for allegedly killing a gay college student by A.C. Thompson for ProPublica

She was almost deported as a teen. Now she helps frightened versions of herself. by Petula Dvorak for The Washington Post

A transgender Navy sailor’s 7-year odyssey, and the military career that could end by Courtney Mabeus for The Virginian-Pilot

View this email in your browser.



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Soy el Dr. Gastón Alejandro Saint Martin (ARDMS. RVT. RPVI eligible, MD. CCPM). Medico patagónico; me gradué en la UNBA (Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, en 1961) Recién graduado y casado fui a hacer mi entrenamiento en la Universidad de Louisville, (UdeL) Kentucky, USA, la mas antigua Universidad Municipal de La Unión; pobre, pero de excelente nivel académico; con una pequeña escuela de medicina. Louisville está en la margen izquierda del rio Ohio (afluente del Mississippi) Elegí a UdeL por estar entre los rio Ohio y Tennessee, que era la zona mas subdesarrollada de La Unión, (cuna de los "Hillbillies") montañeses pobres, poco ilustrados, casi analfabetos pero gente honrada, noble y muy trabajadora; donde era de esperar encontrar problemas de patología medica y socio económicos similares a los de la población rural patagónica de propietarios centenarios, latifundistas pobres indigente al sur del rio "Rio Negro" con sus afluentes rio "Limay" (de aguas cristalinas de deshielos cordilleranos desde San Carlos de Bariloche. y del rio "Neuquen" de aguas turbias drenaje delluvias desde la Laguna Negra... justo al este de la frontera internacional al con Chile. Los médicos residentes de la Universidad de Louisville atendíamos al Louisville General Hospital y al Children’s Hospital of Louisville. Finalizado mi entrenamiento, y al tener yo visa de emigrante, me pude quedar en USA, donde los abogados jueces y los médicos con residencias medicas de entrenamiento completas, teníamos un brillante futuro económico, estabilidad y brillo social. La tentación para quedarse fue muy grande, pero cumplimos mi plan regresando a casa (y seguimos pagando todos los im puestos municipales, provinciales y federales -y lo mismo paratener atención medica -para mi familia- con libre elección. de medicos y hospitales Universitarios (públicos o privados) en los dos hemisferios (Norte y Sur)); Desde Louisvile Kentucky (muy bien preparados) volvimos a Argentina RA, no a la Megatropoli de Buenos Aires Capital Federal Argentina sino a La Patagonia (Gral. Roca, Rio Negro), donde trabajé intensamente, no solo en medicina asistencial sino en política sociológica. Para el inicio, recluté un pequeño grupo de médicos argentinos jóvenes entrenados en USA y Canadá con quienes creamos al Instituto Medico del Comahue, el pequeño hospital austral privado pionero en medicina asistencial moderna. Construimos el edificio por esfuerzo propio, y por administración, con la dirección técnica de mi padre (Ingeniero Prospero Saint Martin, un genuino Gaucho de la Pampa Humeda (Laprida Pcia. de Bsx As) Ing. Civil, Universitario medalla de oro .UNBA. Tuvimos muchos éxitos y fracasos. Nos integramos al Colegio Medico de General Roca, donde fui el organizador de la primer biblioteca de consulta medica patagónica. De nuestros Colegas Veteranos aprendimos la Filosofía Ético Moral Medica Hipocrática) y a ser médicos humanistas (analógicos), antes que corporativos burócratas digitalizados)" Allí, practicando, perfeccionamos las normas básicas de cortesía entre colegas y respeto al pacientes. No fue fácil la convivencia y el pasaje armónico de lo (clásico bueno) antiguo a lo bueno moderno, pero ¡lo logramos ... y muy Bien! En el ano 2000/2002 La Anarquía establecida Argentina desde el 5-10 de Septiembre de 1930 estalló y ya “no pude tolerar al criminal anárquico mamarracho republicano argentino de la "Infame Decada que violando la Constitución Nacional INVENTO la "Doctrina de Los Gobiernos "DeFacto" que culminó con el "Robo Legalizado" (Google "The Legalized Theft" by Steve Hanke - CATO Instituto and/or Johns Hopkins economist) Como muchos de los argentinos ordenados, responsables, con importante capital de trabajo sin deudas, con algunos ahorros PERDIMOS TODO! Yo no perdí mis edificios, mi casa, mi Consultorio Radiológico) ni mi costosisimo instrumental diagnostico pero al quedar fuera de corporaciones medicas-hospitalarias corruptas, y fuera de los canales de facturación y cobro ... me encontré despojado de uno de los derechos humanos mas importantes “EL DERECHO A TRABAJAR” , del que depende mi “DERECHO A LA PROPIEDAD” y derecho a “VIVIR en LIBERTAD” como me de la gana (trabajando o tocando la guitarra pero NO robando) ... y sin pedir nada a nadie (¡LIBRE ALBEDRIO!) Por ello decidimos volver (ya estando jubilados) por segunda vez a USA. Hoy por tener mi segundo hogar legal en Chicago (Oak Park, 60301 conservo mi ciudadania argentina por nacimiento en suelo Patrio (indeleble, pues solo nos da beneficias ... a cambio de nada) y mi ciudadania Yanqui con derechos plenos (menos ser candidato a presidente); la ciudadania USA es descartable -puedo renunciar o me pueden deportar la mía esta vigente.) y por mi madre Raquel Ines HARRINGTON soy súbdito del Reino desunido de los ingleses. Mi mentor (en USA y Argentina) ha sido (entre otros) el Dr. Rene Favaloro (pionero del bypass coronario), con quien (cada uno por su lado) hemos compartido los mismos dilemas, para decidir volver, y para adaptarnos a esta ANARQUÍA Argentina (ver mi blog www.29deJulio.wordpress.com ) – La ANARQUÍA en la que cayó La Republica Argentina el 5-10 de Septiembre de 1930, fue causado por errores garrafales (¿Iatrogenicos? o ¿malignamente corruptos y beligerantes? del GOBIERNO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE NORTEAMÉRICA. (Presidente Herbert Hoover (POTUS 31) ...MAS... errores garrafales en la "ACORDADA UNÁNIME de LA TOTALIDAD DE LOS JUECES DE LA CORTE DE JUSTICIA ARGENTINA" ...MAS... errores garrafales del Gobierno del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña (UK, Eduardo VIII el ultimo rey Imperial Ingles "escondidos en New York con Mrs. Wallis Simons "su puta esposa"... segun Winston Churchill el primer PM de la Reina Isabel II a la que "rescato cuando (aun siendo un a nena sus tíos le estaban enseñando el saludo nazi (para finalizar WW-II bombardenado a Londres para que A. Hitler los instalase como sus reyes títeres ingleses) En vez de eso PM Churchill gano WW-II solo prometiendo a los ingleses "Sangre, Sudor, y Lagrimas) ... MAS... el error de un soldadito con grado de General y cáncer de estomago Gral. Félix Uriburo) que no se atrevio a desobedecer al Jefe de su jefe cuando le ordenaron "violar a La Constitucio ... "en nombre de ella??) y asi TODOS ELLOS JUNTOS, en un contubernio internacional, por primera vez en la historia de La Republica Argentina RA depusieron a un Presidente Constitucional, (Presidente Hipólito Yrigoyen) electo dos veces (en periodos NO consecutivos), por el voto indirecto, inteligente, secreto, obligatorio popular (NO populista POPULAR con Sentido Comun. del CEA (Colegio Electoral Argentino... mejor que del Vaticano que solo puede elegir a "los Menos Malos dentro del recinto) El Presidente Hipolito Yrigoyen fue un Estadista 100 años adelantado el "único en el mundo" electo por abrumadora mayoría SIN haber prometido pre electoralmente Absolutamente Nada. Yrigoyen fue depuesto vioado La Constitucion con la absurda INFAME mentirosa excusa de ser "SER VIEJO E INOPERANTE" ... y asi nos ha ido hasta que hoy ... con la "peligrosa ayuda del covid-19", el Presidente Alberto Fernandez y los "SECRETOS DE ESTADO que "El Presidente de La Nacion (Sin Censura) debe conocer .... Dr. Gaston A. Saint Martin MD (DNI 4.201.710 (Belgrano 1629 1-A Gral Roca Rio Negro Argentina RA, CP 8332 (Contacto confiable propuesto: Dra. (abogada) Maria Ermilia SORIA Intendente de Roca... intendencia@generalroca.gov.asr) Telefono 0298 443 1400 (Interno 2110 o Interno 2002)


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